
Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Git on that. So much easier.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Honoring Mary

Seriously, I had the craziest dream of my life. Usually I'd be talking about what's been going on in my life, but I think this is more important. 

Well, apparently in my dream my grandma was really sick, and for a pretty long time. :| There was a night in my dream, where I was in some sort of a daze. I was in my room and my rosary and pictures of Mary started shaking, then suddenly all of it dropped to the floor. I literally thought it was an earthquake, but those were the only objects moving. I picked them up only to realize that I couldn't hear anything anymore, as if all the things dropping were to get my attention. Everything then just got really dizzy. So, I automatically went down on my knees and started praying to Mary. Then, I heard her voice, instantly I knew it was her, crazy how I've never actually heard her voice and yet I just recognized it so easily... She said to me, "I'm sorry.. but one of your loved ones has just passed away.." And she paused for a good 5 seconds just to take in what she has just said. And then she finally said, "Navidad" which is my grandma's name. After told me this, I started crying. She then said a 5 minute prayer, that nonetheless made me cry even more knowing that she would take the time to comfort me with her presence. What a mother, right? Blessed Mother, she is. Finally, when the prayer was done, I ran to my own mom, and told her about my grandma. However, she hadn't gotten the news about her, yet. I told her about my encounter with Mary, but she just looked at me laughing, like that would ever happen to me. The next day though, she calls me at school, and tells me that I was right, that grandma did die and she began sobbing. In the dream my uncle was a wreck though, crying hard. He was pretty hysterical when I walked in his kitchen. Not.. the funny type of hysterical but, overemotional. He was telling my aunt "What would we do without her?" ( I guess, he heard the story.) Then he pointed at a statue of Jesus, telling me, "Seriously.. without would we ever reach our Father?" And then he sat down and began to relax, comforted by what he had just said. Then... I woke up by texts -_- haha 

Random dream, but nonetheless a good dream. When I woke up, I was super irritated it wasn't real. Hahaha. Cause in all honesty, I loved that my mom and uncle witnessed my encounter with Mary and were deeply affected by it, somehow. I saw that they truly and honestly loved their faith so much more, and it only took one miracle for them to become huge believers. Sigh.. so cute. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Too bad everything that happened over the last 2 weeks, I didn't have my camera for -_-

Everything is great, besides the fact that I have college/school stuff to worry about, such as SAT's, SAT II's, essays, and novels. Bleh. Someone write my personal statement for me please. Ugh I don't wanna think about THIS...

Anyway so over the last weeks, I've been straight chillin. It's fun to bum it, senioritis kickin in early. Oh yeeeee. Haha seriously though, I love summer! I love the sushi runs, tryna jam, car adventures, walks in the park, Disneyland, Viet fun! :)

P.S. I don't know whether or not if it's you, but I'm starting to see everything in a totally different perspective. Corny, I know, but you're different, you really are. Genuine with a sense of direction.